
  • 复制监控
  • 复制拓扑检测
  • 主从切换(switchover)
  • 主节点故障切换(failover)
  • 大多数场景下数据零丢失
  • 多群集管理
  • 支持proxy(proxysql,haproxy等)



[root@t-luhx01-v-szzb mysql]# rpm -ivh replication-manager-osc-2.0.2-1.x86_64.rpm


[root@t-luhx01-v-szzb mysql]# mkdir manager
[root@t-luhx01-v-szzb mysql]# chown -R mysql.mysql manager


[root@t-luhx01-v-szzb mysql]# cat /etc/replication-manager/config.toml
title = "mysql-luhx"
db-servers-hosts = ",,"
db-servers-prefered-master = ""
db-servers-ignored-hosts = ""
db-servers-credential = "dba:Abcd123#"
replication-credential = "repl:Abcd123#"
failover-mode = "automatic"
monitoring-datadir = "/service/mysql/manager"
monitoring-sharedir = "/service/mysql/manager"
log-file = "/service/mysql/manager/replication-manager.log"
replication-multi-master = false
replication-multi-tier-slave = false
failover-readonly-state = true
http-server = true
http-bind-address = ""
http-port = "8000"


[root@t-luhx01-v-szzb mysql]# service replication-manager restart
Restarting replication-manager (via systemctl): [ OK ]





当主节点关闭时,Fail count超过5次即立刻进行切换,当恢复时会自动加入新群集成为主节点



2020/08/04 09:56:53 [mysql-luhx] INFO  - --------------------------
2020/08/04 09:56:53 [mysql-luhx] INFO - Starting master switchover
2020/08/04 09:56:53 [mysql-luhx] INFO - --------------------------
2020/08/04 09:56:53 [mysql-luhx] INFO - Checking long running updates on master 10
2020/08/04 09:56:53 [mysql-luhx] INFO - Flushing tables on master
2020/08/04 09:56:53 [mysql-luhx] INFO - Electing a new master
2020/08/04 09:56:53 [mysql-luhx] DEBUG - Election rig: elected as preferred master
2020/08/04 09:56:53 [mysql-luhx] INFO - Slave has been elected as a new master
2020/08/04 09:56:53 [mysql-luhx] INFO - Terminating all threads on
2020/08/04 09:56:53 [mysql-luhx] INFO - Rejecting updates on (old master)
2020/08/04 09:56:53 [mysql-luhx] INFO - Waiting for candidate master to apply relay log
2020/08/04 09:56:53 [mysql-luhx] INFO - Reading all relay logs on
2020/08/04 09:56:53 [mysql-luhx] INFO - Waiting sync IO_Pos:mysql-bin.000002/794, Slave_Pos:mysql-bin.000002 794
2020/08/04 09:56:53 [mysql-luhx] DEBUG - Save replication status before electing
2020/08/04 09:56:53 [mysql-luhx] DEBUG - master_log_file=mysql-bin.000002
2020/08/04 09:56:53 [mysql-luhx] DEBUG - master_log_pos=794
2020/08/04 09:56:53 [mysql-luhx] DEBUG - Candidate was in sync=false
2020/08/04 09:56:53 [mysql-luhx] INFO - Stopping slave thread on new master
2020/08/04 09:56:53 [mysql-luhx] INFO - Resetting slave on new master and set read/write mode on
2020/08/04 09:56:53 [mysql-luhx] ERROR - Reset slave failed on new master, reason:Error 1290: The MySQL server is running with the --super-read-only option so it cannot execute this statement
2020/08/04 09:56:53 [mysql-luhx] INFO - Inject fake transaction on new master
2020/08/04 09:56:53 [mysql-luhx] INFO - Switching old master as a slave
2020/08/04 09:56:53 [mysql-luhx] INFO - Doing MySQL GTID switch of the old master
2020/08/04 09:56:53 [mysql-luhx] ERROR - Change master failed on old master Change master statement CHANGE MASTER TO master_host='', master_port=33006, master_user='repl', master_password='Abcd123#', master_connect_retry=5, master_heartbeat_period=3, MASTER_
AUTO_POSITION = 1 failed, reason: Error 1794: Slave is not configured or failed to initialize properly. You must at least set --server-id to enable either a master or a slave. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.
2020/08/04 09:56:53 [mysql-luhx] ERROR - Start slave failed on old master Error 1794: Slave is not configured or failed to initialize properly. You must at least set --server-id to enable either a master or a slave. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL er
ror log.

[root@t-luhx01-v-szzb manager]# cat mysql-error.log
2020-08-03T08:44:48.501273Z 1115 [ERROR] Error reading packet from server for channel '': Lost connection to MySQL server during query (server_errno=2013)
2020-08-03T08:44:48.501354Z 1115 [Warning] Storing MySQL user name or password information in the master info repository is not secure and is therefore not recommended. Please consider using the USER and PASSWORD connection options for START SLAVE; see the 'START SLAVE Syntax' in the MySQL Manual for more information.
2020-08-03T08:44:48.595808Z 1387 [Warning] Info table is not ready to be used. Table 'mysql.slave_master_info' cannot be opened.
2020-08-03T08:44:48.595841Z 1387 [ERROR] Error in checking mysql.slave_master_info repository info type of TABLE.
2020-08-03T08:44:48.595854Z 1387 [ERROR] Error creating master info: Error checking repositories.